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White Fang original size/ MOTOKI
Synonymous with Jack London’s literaryclassic also entitled ‘White Fang’, Motoki’s photographs portraying the dog fighting or “Inu AI” (Dog Meeting) tradition in the northern prefecture of Aomori captures both the nature and relationship between owner and animal as well as the battle between the animals themselves. Motoki's self published_White Fang_tells the history of this tradition, how it began and how it has changed within society from post-war japan up until today, balancing both the cultural sensitivities towards dog fights with the pride, honor and tradition in which the fights are carried out. Here the images are stark and compelling, beautifully managing to encapsulate environment and landscapewithin the hand bound publication complete with illustrative insets, utilizing portraiture in capturing man and animal along the visual narratives of the timeless binaries of nature vs nurture , wild vs tamed. “A dog fight was held in Aomori in January 2014. Aomori is a snowy area, located at the northern part of Japan. Well trained dogs, the pride and joy of their owners, were brought to the battlefield early in the morning. The dogs seemed to fight on instinct, as if it was their destiny.”

White Fang original size/ MOTOKI

79.00 ₪מחיר
  • החלפות בתוך חודש ימים מיום הקניה בחנות הדגל- כיכר רבין 9 ת"א
  • אין החזרות

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